"The Nokia 808 PureView is the most exciting smartphone on the market that you shouldn't buy.",This is what most reviews was about the phone only cause 808 PureView runs on Symbian, an outdated operating system Nokia has openly dismissed in favor of Microsoft's Windows Phone OS.But i say you must buy if you really love mobile phone photography.
Nokia has a long record of building truly awesome camera packages into its smartphones — big sensors, Carl Zeiss optics and full-featured imaging software — the most recent examples being last year's N9, and the N8 before that.Most highest-end smartphones,
including Apple's iPhone 4S, Samsung's Galaxy S III, and HTC's One X, have 8-megapixel cameras. Compared to those cameras, a 41-megapixel camera sensor seems totally over-the-top.
It's a full 13.9 millimeters thick.On the top, you get a headphone jack, a micro USB port, and a micro HDMI port.The phone's 4-inch display features edge-to-edge Gorilla Glass.It's only a 640×360 pixel screen.
Finally one best feature to deal is the fact that, the highest resolution photo you can take is a 38-megapixel photo at 4:3 aspect ratio in full-resolution sensor mode. The way the PureView technology works is that it uses pixel oversampling, essentially packing up to seven pixels worth of data into one pixel area. The results? Sharp,clear images with little to no noise. And the 41-megapixel sensor also makes it possible to zoom into photos 3x without losing any of the clarity.
Now its your choice to buy it or wait for the windows OS version of the same phone,I mean smart camera phone!
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